Relationships – the power of balance

Libra 2017 I have been updating all my Libra posts to make them available online again, and I noticed that I have never directly addressed one of the main themes associated with Libra – relationships. This is probably because it is a complicated area, both in life and in astrology. There are many techniques that can be used, so it …

Sadiq and Bernie – men of the moment

Taurus 2016 Taurus time again – it seems to come around quicker each year. Am I sounding like an elderly person? According to scientists, time is actually speeding up, so maybe it isn’t just me! Anyway, I have taken the time to enjoy the wonders of nature at this fertile time of year here in the north. My photos this month will be testament …

Compromise – Libra at its best

Libra 2014 The root of the word compromise comes from com – together and promittere – promise. So a joint promise. It sounds like marriage! All very Libran – our sign of the month. Lovely! The start of Libra is the time that represents one of the balance points of the year, when the sun crosses the equator. There is …