US vs NZ

 April 2012 It may sound like a game but it’s about comparison. Lately I came across two things comparing these two countries. One is a article on a book called Fairness and Freedom by David Hackett Fischer. The other is an article from the New York Times called Elephants Down Under by Thomas L. Friedman. Both are written by Americans who …

The Unsurprising Order of Being

Libra 2011 Firstly –  a comment on Libra this month It’s been a strange month – more natural disasters and Gaddafi dead. All I can say about that is may Libya now have Rest and Peace – that last a nice Libran phenomenon. Poor old New Zealand has been hit again – earthquakes and floods and snow didn’t seem to be enough. …

Hands across the water

Gemini 2010 It has been a very exciting time here in Holland with the elections resulting in a very close race. We almost had two (there we go with the Gemini theme) equal parties with the highest number of seats. The outcome is a one-seat majority for one of the parties! Negotiations and a lot of talking (Gemini again) will be …