Evidence based belief? Is science a religion?

Sagittarius 2007 Professor Richard Dawkins, Enemies of Reason: “In Ayurveda or clairvoyance, homeopathy or astrology, we’re confronted by those who deny evidence of the real world and instead bend reality around a dogmatic belief system handed down by tradition. Sceptical, rational enquiry is always the best approach. We don’t have to follow the herd and buy into trendy untested health …

Pluto – demotion or …?

Scorpio 2006 In this Scorpio post, the focus is on the planet (now dwarf planet) Pluto, since modern astrologers agree that Pluto ‘rules’ the sign of Scorpio. Many people have asked “what does it mean for astrology now that Pluto is no longer a planet?” This naming decision by the IAU ( International Astronomical Union), in August this year, went …